‘The Challenge,’ a reality show on MTV, has contestants competing in a variety of harsh activities in order to escape elimination and win a grand prize.
It’s a spin-off of ‘The Real World’ and ‘Road Rules,’ and it’s been engaging viewers since its debut on June 1, 1998.
The 37th season of the show is titled ‘The Challenge: Spies, Lies, and Allies,’ and it was popular because of the contestants’ conflicts as well as the showmances and hookups.
Reunion tonight ✨ #TheChallenge37 pic.twitter.com/xWtHiz3Hjv
— MTV Amanda (@MTV_AMANDAG) December 22, 2021
Amanda Garcia and Faysal AKA Fessy Shafaat, who met on season 37 and have been in the headlines for their rocky relationship, were one such couple who attracted everyone’s attention.
Amanda, 28, has previously appeared on season 3 of ‘Are You The One,’ while Fessy, 29, has previously appeared on season 20 of ‘Big Brother.’
Fans want to know if they’re still going strong, and if you’re one of them, we’ve got you covered.
Here’s what we’ve learned thus far!
‘The Challenge’ TV Show Journey of Amanda and Fessy
Fessy Shafaat and Amanda Garcia met while quarantining for season 37 of ‘The Challenge.’
Amanda revealed in an Instagram live video with castmates Ashley Mitchell and Michele Fitzgerald that the couple became closer during those 14 days.
In the September 23, 2021, episode of the ‘Watch With Us’ podcast, Fessy said that his hotel room was direct across from Amanda’s and that they used to go out together to get their food delivered, which caused them to bond.
“We’d pass around tiny messages and chuck them over the hall.” So that’s how it began,” Fessy explained. “… Then a fan sent me a tweet about me on Big Brother, saying I was hot and all that. So I gave her the screenshot to let her know that I was aware of what she had stated.”
Amanda and Fessy shared a passionate drunken kiss in the season 37 premiere, and their romance continued throughout the season.
Everything was going swimmingly until Fessy was voted off after a physical incident with fellow competitor Josh Martinez.
Because Amanda regarded Fessy to be a non-serious person, she initially declared in the Instagram live that they were simply friends after the season ended.
The reality stars, on the other hand, astonished fans when they made their relationship public on Instagram with photos from their September 2021 trip to Mexico.
Fessy went on to say that they were taking things slowly because Amanda was busy with her son and that they had only met a couple of times after the season concluded for MTV’s ‘The Challenge After Show.’
“She came to my fight in Dallas for a night, and then we went to Mexico,” he explained. I’m not sure when the reunion will be [filmed].
We’ll probably see each other then if it’s coming up, but I’ll probably see her before then.” But, have they been able to keep their relationship together or have they broken up?
Lmfao all while texting and calling me inbetween 🥴 clownnnnnn. pic.twitter.com/HJWUPpzlMO
— MTV Amanda (@MTV_AMANDAG) October 10, 2021
Is Fessy and Amanda Still Together?
Given their turbulent relationship post-season 37 of ‘The Challenge,’ it’s difficult to say whether Amanda Garcia and Fessy Shafaat are still together.
Trouble began to boil when the couple returned from their Mexico vacation in October when a fan video of Fessy in a bar was distributed online.
After much conjecture from fans, Amanda answered with a series of tweets, including the one below, in which she made it obvious that she was done with Fessy for good.
She even stated that she planned to cancel all of their planned visits to each other’s hometowns.
After this online outburst, Fessy paid a visit to Amanda in her hometown, and a fan website uploaded photos of the two of them together at a restaurant in October 2021.
On November 15, 2021, the couple attended a Denver Broncos NFL game in Colorado, and Fessy shared these adorable photos with her.
Despite their reconciliation, Amanda admitted in a podcast about the season 37 finale that her relationship with Fessy was a huge mistake.
She also called out Michelle Fitzgerald in the season 37 reunion, which aired on December 22, 2021, for supposedly hooking up with Fessy after he was evicted, despite knowing that he was with Amanda.
It’s probable that the reunion episode was shot prior to their appearance at the game.
Taking everything into account, one thing is certain: Amanda and Fessy are most likely still at odds.
However, neither of them has made an official statement about their breakup or current relationship status.
Fans can only hope that their favourite couple will be able to iron out their issues and make their relationship work.