You Season 4 Part 1 Plot Summary and Ending, Explained - Netflix's American psychological thriller "You" Season 4 Part-1 is now available to stream. Sera Gamble, who co-created the "You" series with Roberto Orci, has returned to her former position as showrunner. In addition...
Is Eat the Rich Killer Based on a Real Serial Killer? - "You" is an American psychological drama created by Greg Berlanti and Sera Gamble and produced by Berlanti Productions, Alloy Entertainment, and A+E Studios in partnership with Warner Horizon Television (now Warner Bros. Television).The protagonist...
Who is Ed Speleers? - Ed Speleers will next be seen playing the role of Rhys Montrose in the highly anticipated "You" Season 4 on Netflix. This character is an unconventional and free-spirited author who becomes Joe's friend. In the upcoming season, he will...