“American Dad,” a Fox Broadcasting Company and subsequently TBS animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane, Mike Barker, and Matt Weitzman, about a gung-ho CIA agent (voiced by MacFarlane) and his suburban family, which includes a hippy teen daughter, and aired on February 6, 2005.
American Dad Season 16 Episode 21 Press Release
Monday, September 6
· “American Dad” Season Finale – 10pm ET/PT
· Stan gets in over his head trying to impress Toshi’s dad; Klaus and Jeff head to the country for a weekend getaway.
American Dad Season 16 Release Date
The most recent season premiered on TBS on Monday, April 19, 2021, at 9 p.m. ET.
Jeff gets an experimental intelligence enhancement treatment at the CIA, fearful that he isn’t smart enough for Hayley. Roger enlists Steve’s assistance in collecting snake venom.
In this animated sitcom full of wild and insane extremes, Stan Smith leads an all-American family.
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Stan takes the same severe techniques used at the CIA to his personal life, pushing it to the edge.
Unfortunately, he is often naive to how miserably he fails at his tries, driven by machismo and the American dream.
This parent may not have all the answers, but he never gives up.
American Dad Season 16 Sneak Peeks
Watch American Dad Season 16 Online
TBS, ITV Hub, Disney+, YouTube TV, and Amazon Prime are the only places where you can view it.