An American actress, Gena Rowlands is recognized for her strong and impassioned acting in both movies and television. Born on June 19, 1930 in Madison, Wisconsin, Rowlands had a productive career that lasted several decades especially from the 1950s...
It has been revealed that Yul Vazquez and William Sadler will star in Caleb Phillips' horror film "Imposters". Filming will begin in mid-October 2024 in Massachusetts and is expected to wrap within four to five weeks; Phillips wrote and...
"Amelia's Children," the latest Portuguese horror comedy movie, brings together elements of suspense, humour, and the supernatural to deliver a unique viewing experience. Directed by Gabriel Abrantes, the film follows the story of Ed, played by Carloto Cotta, as...
Indonesian horror film "Indigo," directed by Fajar Nugros and written by Haqi Achmad, takes viewers on a supernatural journey filled with suspense and intrigue. The film follows the story of Zora and her sister Ninda as they navigate encounters...
"Poacher" is a riveting crime drama series created, written, and directed by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Richie Mehta. Produced by Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt, the show follows a team of forest officials as they uncover an ivory poaching ring in...
"The Zone of Interest" is a captivating historical drama film that offers a unique perspective on one of the darkest periods in human history, the Holocaust. Directed by Jonathan Glazer, the film delves into the lives of the Hoss...
'Bosco' movie, directed by Nicholas Manuel Pino, brings to light Bosco's journey, a man sentenced to 35 years for trying to possess marijuana.
The narrative unfolds against the backdrop of the real-life struggles of Quawntay "Bosco" Adams, rooted in the...
Night Swim Review - Welcome to the chilling depths of "Night Swim," the 2024 supernatural horror film that has sent shivers down the spines of audiences. Directed by Bryce McGuire in his feature debut, this spine-tingling production, produced by...
Is Joe Rantz Based on a Real Person - Step into the world of the 1936 Olympics with "The Boys in the Boat," a gripping historical sports drama directed by the talented George Clooney. The movie takes us back...
The Boys in the Boat Filming Locations -Â If you're a fan of historical sports dramas, you've probably heard of "The Boys in the Boat." This film takes you back to the inspiring journey of the University of Washington rowing...