Bad Vegan: What Was the ‘Meat Suit’ of Sarma Melngailis and Anthony Strangis?

Bad Vegan: Fame. Fraud. Fugitives., directed by Chris Smith, is a four-part docuseries about Sarma Melngailis on Netflix, who for years ran one of New York’s hottest restaurants, a raw-food vegan restaurant called Pure Food and Wine, but ended up defrauding her employees and fleeing law enforcement.

There’s no disputing that Netflix’s ‘Bad Vegan: Fame. Fraud. Fugitives.‘ is an explicit portrayal of a peculiar scenario, but it honestly goes beyond what ‘Inventing Anna‘ or ‘Tinder Swindler’ provide us.

After all, it involves bizarre claims of immortality, ethereal entities, and reincarnations, among other things, in addition to Anthony Strangis’ evident avarice, deception, and manipulation to entrap Sarma Melngailis.

However, the phrase “flesh suit” (not the Lady Gaga variety) got our attention the most, so let’s find out exactly what it means now, shall we?

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What is the Meat Suit in Bad Vegan?

The term “meat suit” refers to a physical body, but only when it is worn by something paranormal or otherworldly, such as when a spirit (demon or otherwise) occupies a figure to serve as a vessel.

In other words, Anthony Strangis was able to persuade vegan restaurateur Sarma Melngailis that he was a “non-human” who just happened to possess a really huge form, as depicted in the series.

He allegedly told her that this body was purposefully created in this state in order to test her and determine if/when she may be changed into one of them – an ethereal being – as well.

In the Netflix original, Vanity Fair journalist Allen Salkin said, “My reading of what the meat suit represents is that Anthony was gaining weight over time.”

And when [he and Sarma] first met, he wasn’t the 300-pound, sickly, overweight fellow who subsisted on tuna fish sandwiches with extra mayonnaise from Subway that he became.”

“[Anthony] constantly maintained that his weight increase was intentional; that I was supposed to be disgusted by him, that it was all some kind of big test,” Sarma continued.

It was as if he was allowing himself to grow larger with each passing day because it was something he had to do for her as part of the process, rather than him simply enjoying food. He seemed to go out of his way to make her believe it was just for her.

The accused conman even texted his then-partner, “I am obese for you,” according to the series, because of this nonsense. I’m looking forward to no longer being overweight.

It’s gloomy,” as well as “I’m in desperate need of a new meat suit.” Anthony never seemed to suggest or consider that his weight changes could be attributable to his own habits; instead, according to the Netflix show, the guilt was all placed on Sarma’s shoulders and the exams she had to pass.

The Netflix original show Bad Vegan: Fame, Fraud, and Fugitives is now available to stream.

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