The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 15 ‘Trust’ Recap and Ending Explained

The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 15 Recap – “Good aid is so hard to find,” Lance moaned on ‘The Walking Dead’ Season 11 Episode 15. But by the end of the hour, he’d made a job offer to a possible recruit who promised to be a nightmare for Daryl, Maggie, and the rest of the team. So Hornsby, Daryl, and the troops march to Hilltop to confront Maggie; Rosita has Connie, Kelly, Eugene, and Max investigate the Miltons after their heist; and Ezekiel uses his new life to help hospital patients in need following surgery.

The 15th episode of Season 11 of AMC’s post-apocalyptic series ‘The Walking Dead‘ recounts the aftermath of Toby Carlson’s death and the escape of Negan, Annie, and their company. Lance arrives with soldiers at the religious group’s building to examine the situation. Because he doesn’t trust Aaron and Gabriel’s explanation for Carlson’s death, he begins to question them.

Back in the Commonwealth, Eugene enlists the help of Max to solve the riddle of Connie’s muddled list of names. Lance devises a plan to combat the threats he confronts, and the episode concludes on an exciting cliffhanger. On that note, let us clarify the ambiguities in this regard!

The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 15 Recap

The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 15 ‘Trust’ Recap

Lance had reservations about Aaron and Gabriel’s statement that the religious group escaped after killing Carlson and the troops in the fifteenth episode of the eleventh season, titled ‘Trust.’ Because they knew Aaron and Gabriel, Lance feels the group did not hurt them. Maggie’s Hilltop was the source of his suspicions.

After having Lance promise that no one would be injured during the search for the group and the stolen weaponry, Daryl urges Maggie to trust him and open the door to Hilltop. Lance runs into Hershel, and the former puts a cap on Maggie’s son that he found at the abandoned building, confirming his suspicions.

Lance and his soldiers flee after Maggie threatens to kill Lance because she believes he will hurt her son. Mercer and Princess, on the other hand, begin a casual relationship. Eugene and Rosita speak with Connie about the group of people that died while attempting to take Sebastian’s money from the abandoned house.

Connie reveals the list of names she has with them, and they realise there is a lot of information concealed in their neighbourhood. Eugene runs into Max and notifies her of the situation. She talks to Mercer about standing up to Pamela, but her brother isn’t convinced.

While recovering from surgery, Ezekiel contacts Tomi and asks him to perform an appendectomy on a friend outside the hospital. They steal surgical equipment to carry out the operation, but Commonwealth soldiers apprehend them.

Carol uses her clout to get them released. Tomi performs the operation and rescues Ezekiel’s companion. After executing Sebastian’s two troops, Mercer confides in Princess about his personal agony. Princess assures him that she will find a way for him to cope with the agony.

What Job Does Lance Offer Leah in Season 11 Episode 15 of The Walking Dead?

Lance tells the soldiers to establish up camps in the woods to look for the religious group and the stolen weaponry when they leave Hilltop. Leah hides and shoots at the soldiers as they continue their hunt. Lance approaches Leah and asks her to stop shooting and offers her a job. In exchange for the stolen firearms and more resources, Lance will most likely deploy Leah to assassinate or capture Maggie and assume control of Hilltop.

Maggie and her followers are capable of killing a whole unit of the armed Commonwealth army as well as Carlson, according to Lance. As a result, the Commonwealth’s deputy governor regards her as a potential challenge to his goals and authority.

Lance learns from Carlson’s death that the religious organisation isn’t wholly impotent. His plan to take over Hilltop and Oceanside may not come to fruition now that they’ve joined forces with Maggie. Lance must have known, as he confronted the reality in front of him, that he needed to eliminate Maggie as a threat by either murdering her or reducing her power.

Lance might think of Leah as the ideal opponent for Maggie. Lance may deem Leah capable of destroying Maggie and her community because she is powerful and efficient enough to ambush his convoy, kill his soldiers, and grab his firearms.

Lance’s job offer, in Leah’s opinion, may open the door for her to extract retribution on Maggie for annihilating the Reapers. Moreover, lance may find an ideal collaborator in Leah to wage a war against Maggie and her allies, given her return from hiding and the seizure of the guns.

It indicating that she is preparing for a battle against the people who wounded her. Lance may even invite Leah to join his secret society as his undisclosed plans for gaining control of the Commonwealth, and other adjacent communities begin to take form.

What Does Max Need to Steal in Episode 15 ‘Trust’?

Connie believes the list she possesses is linked to the same missing or deceased individuals after Rosita tells to her that Sebastian had sent several civilians to die for his selfish gain, including April. However, Rosita informs Connie that the list contains far more names than those supplied by Sebastian.

They realise that the Miltons must keep the key to the enigma locked away, preventing them from discovering the truth. He seeks Max’s assistance since he recognises the need for inside access. Eugene might give Max orders to steal any classified files pertaining to any missions or assignments involving now-missing people.

Eugene may urge Max to look for any records related to civilian recruitment since he is unsure about the probable ties between Connie’s list and the civilians given by Sebastian. Max and Eugene may be able to link the situation to the anti-Commonwealth movement.

If the names on the list are those who battled Pamela and her son’s oppression, records pertaining to secret missions to eliminate threats and resistances may exist. In certain ways, any materials the Miltons desire to keep hidden from their population may aid Eugene and others in uncovering the truth, and Max may be forced to steal them.

So, what were your thoughts? Please leave your feedback in the comments section and solve the following puzzle for us: Which Lance is scarier/creepier: the one who is all cheery and appearing to be pleasant, or the one who is all creepy or Lance, with the dead face and bloodlust-filled eyes?

The Walking Dead is available on AMC, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, DirecTV and Philo.

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