Is The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 5: Renewed or Cancelled?
'The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel' is a historical comedy-drama series created by Amy Sherman-Palladino ('Gilmore Girls').
The story follows Miriam "Midge" Maisel, a housewife who discovers her talent for comedy after her...
'The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel' is a comedy about Miriam "Midge" Maisel, a housewife turned comedian (Rachel Brosnahan).
Her husband, Joel, leaves her for his secretary, and she receives the shock of her life. When Midge does an unexpected and strong...
The titular Miriam "Midge" Maisel (Rachel Brosnahan) is a housewife whose husband leaves her for his secretary in "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel."
When she walks up on the stage at a comedy venue one evening and gives an unplanned, powerful,...
Midge (Rachel Brosnahan) reaches a turning point in her life as the fourth season of 'The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel' draws to a close.
Joel (Michael Zegen) and Mei are faced with a major dilemma. Midge and Lenny's (Luke Kirby) relationship's...
The 3rd season of Amy Sherman Palladino’s "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" concludes on a tumultuous note for Miriam "Midge" Maisel, our Jewish American housewife turned stand-up comedian.
Midge's path from discovering her love in stand-up comedy to ultimately pursuing a...