'DC's Legends of Tomorrow' is a superhero drama TV series created by Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg, and Phil Klemmer. It follows Rip Hunter, a time traveller who seeks out and organises a team of superheroes, based on...
Dr. Gwyn Davis pours his heart out to Zari in episode 6 of season 7 of 'DC's Legends of Tomorrow,' and Zari is both astonished and moved by what the eccentric scientist has gone through.
His desire to build a...
Season 7 of Legends of Tomorrow has finally premiered, but when can fans anticipate the next episode?
The CW's misfits and outcasts have returned for another wild journey through time.
The only problem is that they aren't traveling through time this...
'DC's Legends of Tomorrow' is a sci-fi superhero television series that follows a group of saviours known as the "Legends" who are summoned together by Time Master Rip Hunter to stop Vandal Savage from destroying life by unsettling the...
Season 6 of 'Legends of Tomorrow' is fast approaching an exciting finale, with the season's last episode bringing some smart twists that put Legends in severe danger.
When Bishop and Constantine steal the Waverider, they expose the world to a...
Season 6 Episode 12 of 'Legends of Tomorrow' explores the negative consequences of Constantine's dark magic.
The party of superheroes is forced to take a longer path back home, so they pass the time by playing a board game in...
The Waverider crew doesn't have to deal with any time-travelling hijinks in 'Legends of Tomorrow' season 6, episode 11, which is a good change of pace.
Instead, the heroes are compelled to participate in a game of bowling, with the...