Cruel Summer Season 2 Release Date - Bert V. Royal is the author of the American teen drama/thriller anthology series Cruel Summer. The first season centres on two teenage girls in the 1990s and the effects one girl's disappearance and...
Good Trouble is a spin-off of the freeform show The Fosters that debuted in 2019 with a thirteen-episode first season. The third season premiered in February 2021 and completed its first innings with ten episodes. Good Trouble Season 3...
Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 6 Recap - Freeform was inspired by Bert V. Royal's novel "Cruel Summer" to produce an anthology thriller series exploring similar themes. Season 2 centers around Megan Landry (portrayed by Sadie Stanley), an accomplished coder...
Zoey (Yara Shahidi) received a tough lesson in the final episode of Season 4 of Grown-Ish. By mentioning Zoey in the post, Luca jeopardises Zoey's career and her internship. Aaron yelled at Luca, but Zoey reminded him he didn't have...
Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 8 Ending, Explained - "Cruel Summer" is an anthology horror series that airs on Freeform. The story of its second season revolves around three main characters: Megan Landry (portrayed by Sadie Stanley), Isabella LaRue (played...
Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 7 Recap - Freeform's stunning anthology series Cruel Summer has entered its second season and follows three teenagers: Megan Landry (portrayed by Sadie Stanley), Isabela LaRue (portrayed by Lexi Underwood), and Luke Chambers (portrayed by...
Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 9 Recap - "Cruel Summer" is an anthology thriller series from Freeform with multiple interweaved plotlines. Season 2 is set in Chatham, along Washington's Pacific coast. Similar to its predecessor, this season is divided into...

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