'Raised by Wolves,' a science-fiction television series created by Aaron Guzikowski, presents the narrative of an Earth torn by a religious battle between atheists and Mithraics, worshipers of the sun deity Sol. Following the catastrophe, the Androids Father and Mother/Lamia...
'Raised by Wolves' is a science fiction drama series about two androids, Father (Abubakar Salim) and Mother / Lamia (Amanda Collin), who are sent to the planet Kepler-22b to restart human civilization after Earth becomes uninhabitable due to a...
Faith and science collide in the season 2 finale of 'Raised by Wolves,' and certain revelations are made. Grandmother (Selina Jones) assists Father (Abubakar Salim) with the children while Mother/Lamia (Amanda Collin) goes on a Serpent hunt. Tempest's child has...
Paul carries the fruits from the tree that appears to have grown out of Sue to the settlement in 'Raised by Wolves' season 2 episode 7, titled 'Feeding,' and tells them it has been cleared for consumption. But as he...
In episode 6 of season 2, 'Raised by Wolves' continues to extend its mythos. Father (Abubakar Salim) and Lucius bring Marcus (Travis Fimmel) to the Collective. Mother (Amanda Collin) demands that he reveal the truth about his abilities and abandon...
'Raised by Wolves' is a science fiction drama series on human nature, faith, artificial intelligence, love, war, and humanity's proclivity for self-destruction. Sue (Niamh Algar) seeks to cure Paul in season 2 episode 5, titled "King," and obtains help from...
The Trust's attack on Marcus (Travis Fimmel) and his fans in season 2 episode 4 of 'Raised by Wolves,' titled 'Control,' causes collateral damage, forcing Mother to make a difficult decision. Something ancient is reawakened by Father. Marcus loses his...

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