The comedy-drama series 'Somebody Somewhere' addresses the themes of love, loss, self-acceptance, and healing. It follows a woman named Sam who is dealing with the death of her sister Holly, who was created by Hannah Bos and Paul Thureen.
'Somebody Somewhere,' a comedy-drama series on HBO, is created by Hannah Bos and Paul Thureen.
It follows Sam Miller, a 40-year-old Kansas native who is dealing with the death of her sister Holly.
While attempting to absorb her loss, she also...
'Somebody Somewhere' is an HBO comedy-drama series about Sam, a woman in her forties who is mourning the death of her sister Holly.
As she attempts to come to terms with her loss, she begins to feel out of place...
Hannah Bos and Paul Thureen's HBO comedy-drama series "Somebody Somewhere" is a heartwarming comedy-drama.
It follows Sam Miller, a solitary 40-year-old lady who is mourning the death of her sister Holly.
She's also having trouble adjusting to life in her hometown...