Did Conrad Roy III’s Parents Get Back Together in Real Life? Let's find out. The narrative of Conrad Roy III's death and his girlfriend's role in the catastrophe is told in 'The Girl from Plainville.' The Hulu drama follows...
The Girl from Plainville Season 2: Renewed or Cancelled? - "The Girl from Plainville" is based on true events and tells the story of Conrad Henri Roy III and his girlfriend, Michelle Carter. Michelle rose to prominence after her lover...
What is Conrad’s Law? Is the Law Already in Effect? Let's find out. 'Conrad's Law,' a bill introduced in response to Michelle Carter's texting suicide case, has yet to be passed; the case is being examined through the lens of...
'The Girl from Plainville' Episode 8 {Finale} Recap - The Carters and Roys both try to find closure following the tragedy on Coco's last day; Michelle worries about the future.
The mini-series 'The Girl from Plainville' explores the "texting-suicide" case and...
Is Cassie Wilkins Based on Michelle Carter’s Real Schoolmate? Let's find out about this fact. Kylie Liya Page is introduced as Cassie Wilkins, a "friend" from Michelle's school who doesn't want to be there. Cassie considers herself to be a...
What Was Dr. Breggin’s Testimony? Let's check out. 'The Girl from Plainville' dives into the circumstances behind Conrady Roy III's death, as well as his lover Michelle Carter's role in the tragedy. The Hulu drama follows the development of the...
Was Michelle Carter Suffering from Involuntary Intoxication? Let's find out about this. 'The Girl from Plainville' is a film that tells the terrible story of Conrad Roy III's death and Michelle Carter's role in it. The miniseries is split...
The Girl from Plainville Episode 7 Recap - The Girl From Plainville is a Hulu limited series that follows high school girl Michelle Carter (Elle Fanning) after a police inquiry uncovers her involvement in her lover Conrad "Coco" Roy III's...
Did Michelle Carter Actually Go to a Rehab Facility? Let's find out. The heartbreaking account of Conrad Roy III's death and the events surrounding it is told in 'The Girl from Plainville.' Conrad's connection with Michelle Carter is detailed...
Did Conrad Roy Father Actually Punch Him? - 'The Girl from Plainville' chronicles the "texting-suicide" case and Conrad Roy III's terrible demise. The Hulu drama explores his connection with Michelle Carter, as well as the ensuing trial she confronts...