The Resident Season 6 Episode 1: Who is Chris Harrell in the Title Card? - "The Resident" on FOX is about to embark on a new chapter in Conrad's love life. The controversial medical drama, created by Amy Holden Jones, Hayley Schore, and Roshan Sethi, follows the...
Fox's 'The Resident' Season 6: Renewed or Cancelled? - 'The Resident,' a medical drama series written by Amy Holden Jones, Hayley Schore, and Roshan Sethi, is based on Marty Makary's book 'Unaccountable.' The story chronicles the lives of medical professionals...
The Resident Season 5 Episode 22 Recap - Cade's father, Ian, assists in the surgery of a small child who has a rare illness that causes his bones to be extremely weak, leaving Cade to heal on her own. Devon...
The Resident Season 5 Episode 21 Recap - The emergency department is put on lockdown when one of the doctors is shot outside the hospital; a patient learns he will not be able to obtain a transplant owing to his...
The cops warn Conrad (Matt Czuchry) of an accident in the previous episode of The Resident. Meanwhile, Billie has an unplanned run-in with her son Trevor, who is in the hospital with an overdosed friend. Eventually, Billie tells AJ who...
Conrad and Nic's new existence as loving parents focus on the 5th season opener of 'The Resident,' which follows them as they prepare to start a new chapter in Chastain's life. Nic's healing retreat is about to finish in...

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