Vera Jo Reigle Messersmith Murder - "Matriarch of Murder?" -- an Investigation Discovery's documentary that explores the shocking events surrounding the brutal murder of Vera Jo Reigle Messersmith in Findlay, Ohio, in March 2011. This thought-provoking film provides insight...
Cora and Charley Abernathey Murders -Â Minot, North Dakota, experienced a profound shock in February 1985 when an elderly couple, Cora and Charley Abernathey, were brutally killed by two individuals known as Mr. and Mrs. Abernathey. This heinous crime became...
Brooks Jennings Murder - Investigation Discovery’s crime show Fear Thy Neighbor's fourth episode of Season 8, titled "Unwelcome to the Neighborhood," delves into an alarming incident that took place in West Goshen Township, Pennsylvania. The episode on Brooks Jennings'...
Gary Bentley Murder -Season 8, episode 11 of the crime series American Monster on Investigation Discovery is called "Friends Outside of Work," explores an unfortunate shooting incident that resulted in the death of a wealthy electrician living in Louisville,...
Olivia Jones Murder -Â The first episode of season 4 of "Married to Evil" on Investigation Discovery focuses on the tragic murder of Olivia Jones, a resident of Beaumont, Texas, which took place on Valentine's Day in 2019. The police...
Benjamin Anderson Death -Â Investigation Discovery's true-crime TV series "Still a Mystery" explores unsolved cases and mysteries. Each episode examines an unresolved case ranging from missing persons to unnatural deaths to shed light on what may have transpired.
"What the Trees...
Iva Kroeger Now? -Â "Deadly Women" is a true crime series that premiered on Investigation Discovery in 2005, and it focuses on the lives of real-life female killers. The show examines their motivations, methods, and the consequences of their actions....
James Mervin Nibbe Murder -Â Investigation Discovery's crime series "Murder in the Heartland" Season 5 Episode 11, titled "An Unfaithful Truth," delves into the bizarre case of James Mervin Nibbe, who was brutally murdered at his Lake Crystal, Minnesota home...
Bruce Firman Murder -Â "A Time to Kill" is an American true-crime documentary series that premiered on the Investigation Discovery channel in 2020. Based on John Grisham's novel of the same name, it follows people who have been driven to...
Amber Hess Murder -Â Investigation Discovery's show "Grave Mysteries" is a true crime television series that examines some of history's most mysterious cases. Each episode focuses on one particular crime and follows its investigation as detectives and other law enforcement...