Evil Dead Rise (2023) -Â The forthcoming thriller is anticipated to be an independent entry in the venerable horror genre, unconnected to either the first three films or the 2013 reboot.The latest movie, which shifts the action from the woods...
The God of Thunder, "Thor" is played by none other than the Australian hot shot, Chris Hemsworth. Only he could have done justice to this role who is inspired by the sensational Marvel Comics. The arrogant yet cheeky character...
The adventure comedy film 'Then Came You,' directed by Peter Hutchings, previously astonished critics.'The Hating Game,' a fiery office rom-com, is the director's fourth feature-length film.Lucy Hale ('Pretty Little Liars') takes on the character of Lucy Hutton, a tenacious...
F9 Star is drafted into an organised crime thriller in the Snakehead trailer.Sung Kang, who co-starred in Fast and Furious 9, will star in Snakehead, an organised crime-thriller that will be released in theatres and on digital platforms this...
The Matrix franchise's long-awaited fourth instalment is in the works. The sequel, dubbed The Matrix: Resurrections, will be the first in the franchise since 2003's The Matrix Revolutions.While details on the project have been limited, here is what we...
The much-anticipated movie The King's Man (2021), a precursor to the Kingsman franchise, gets a new red-band trailer from 20th Century Studios.Beginning with the introduction of Rasputin, the trailer is jam-packed with fresh material from the flick.Following that, we're...
The Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer has finally come, but the film's Twitter account refuses to let go of the big leak that occurred just 24 hours before.Following the official release of the Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer, the...
Cinderella is a daring new musical twist on the classic fairy tale you grew up with. Our princess (Cabello) is a driven young woman with higher desires than the world will allow, yet she can endure and achieve her...