Rose Keller Murder -Â Rose Keil was discovered deceased in her apartment in 2003, just a day before a crucial meeting that could have profoundly impacted her life. The episode titled "The Model & the Millionaire" from "NBC: Dateline" explores...
Who Was Fred Keller - NBC's crime series Dateline has been broadcasting true crime stories worldwide for nearly three decades. The show has explored many fascinating instances, including the murder accusations brought against Fred Keller by his late wife's...
Where is Rose Keil’s Brother Wolfgang Keil Today? - In November 2003, tragedy struck when Fred Keller, the ex-husband of Rosemarie "Rose" Keil, murdered her only 10 days after their divorce was finalized. This event caused injuries to many, including...
Where is Marina Litvinenko Now? -Â In 2006, Alexander Litvinenko, a former KGB agent, was assassinated in London. He was unknowingly poisoned with polonium-210, a radioactive substance. Litvinenko had spoken out against the Russian government and had sought political asylum...
Alexander Litvinenko Murder - "The Real Blacklist, Russian Spy" is an episode of the long-running investigative journalism series "Dateline NBC" that delves into the chilling and mysterious death of Alexander Litvinenko - a former Russian spy. The show delves...
Quantum Leap season 1 episode 17 Ending Explained -Â On the seventeenth episode of NBC's Quantum Leap, titled "The Friendly Skies," which stars Scott Bakula as the time traveler, viewers were surprised by an unexpected plot twist. The first season...
Crystal Taylor Murder -Â The "One Moment" episode of NBC's "Dateline" initially aired on September 18, 2020. It focused on the murder of Crystal Taylor and the following investigation and trial.The episode featured interviews with Crystal's family members, law enforcement...
Johanna Hove-Becker Murder - Where is Killer Husband Craig Becker Now? -Â Johanna Hove-Becker, a mother and psychotherapist, was 32 years old when she was murdered. She died from injuries acquired after falling from the seventh floor of her apartment...
Robin Bodden Murder -Â In this legendary "Dateline" episode, an aviation mechanic goes missing. According to his wife, he disappeared after boarding a plane with a stranger. But, after learning more about the mechanic's daily routine, the police begin to...
Where Is Jason Pierce's Wife Katherine Pierce Today? - Katherine Pierce thought a new chapter was about to begin when she married her longtime boyfriend, Scott Pierce. When she and her family relocated to Albuquerque, New Mexico, she was unaware that...