Heels Season 2 Episode 3 Ending -Â "Heels," an engaging sports drama on Starz created by Michael Waldron, weaves a captivating narrative of family bonds and the struggle for survival in the current milieu of professional wrestling, set in Duffy,...
The first anniversary of Tom's death (David James Elliott) approaches in the new Starz wrestling drama Heels Episode 4, which hovers over the entire Spade family like a dark cloud.
The facts of Tom Spade's death were eventually disclosed in...
In Heels Season 1 Episode 3, Jack gets into a heated confrontation. We know Jack still wants to thrill and dazzle the audience, but his obsession with the plot may be harming his personal relationships outside of the ring.
Ace rushes out of the league in the second episode of 'Heels,' and becomes sloshed at a bar, where he has a violent outpouring.
His brother takes him back to the league and begs him to rejoin, assuring Ace of...