Power Book II: Ghost Season 3 Finale Recap -Â Courtney A. Kemp is the writer behind Starz's second instalment of their 'Power' franchise, 'Power Book II: Ghost.' The show centres around Tariq St. Patrick, played by Michael Rainey Jr., who...
'Power Book 2: Ghost,' created by Courtney A. Kemp, is a crime drama series that is a sequel to 'Power.' It picks up after James St. Patrick AKA Ghost's death in the final season of the original series.
The spin-off...
In Power Book 2: Ghost Season 2 Episode 10, Tariq resolves to follow in his father's footsteps and then become a drug dealer after his father's death.
Unfortunately, he becomes involved with the Tejada crime family, which adds to his difficulties.
Davis Mcclean revealed the truth about Lauren to Tariq in the previous episode 8 of Power Book II: Ghost Season 2.
In order to save Lauren's life, Tariq speaks with Carrie. Dru murders Lil Guap. Mecca killed the Mole. Monet killed Carries.
The fifth episode of season 2 of 'Power Book II: Ghost' depicts events through Tariq's perspective. His father's thoughts are always there in his mind.
Tariq, on the other hand, is motivated to advance in life and surpass Ghost as...