Stephanie Powell Anderson Murder - Investigation Discovery's true crime series "See No Evil" Season 8, Episode 28 titled, "Comply or Die," takes the audience behind the scenes of a series of armed robberies that occurred in Raleigh between January 2008...
Sandra Cantu Murder: Where Is Melissa Huckaby Today? - An American girl named Sandra Renee Cantu came to the nation's attention on March 27, 2009, after she vanished from Tracy, California. Ten days later, a local irrigation pond's watering hole...
Amanda Douglas and Jennifer Lynn Sudar Murders: Where is Quantell Alverson Now? - Amanda Douglas and Jennifer Lynn Sudar died during the Thanksgiving week of 2014 after being shot and killed in front of their apartment building in broad daylight....
Where is Larry Oscar Douglas Now After Amanda Douglas and Jennifer Lynn Sudar Murder Case? - In the most recent Investigation Discovery episode of "See No Evil" season 7 episode 7, titled "Gold Pontiac," the spine-chilling murder cases of...
A college girl had been out with her buddies in Columbia's Five Point Entertainment neighborhood in South Carolina in March 2019 which came to an abrupt end when she boarded what she rides to her Uber taxi.The young woman's...
Jacinta "Patty" Ayala's recent promotion necessitated her being at work early in the morning to start the day. But one unfortunate day in March 2011 turned out to be her last, sparking a massive investigation into her death.'See No...
When James Randall was apprehended for the murders of two women, authorities suspected he was also involved in the murders of others.Ex-partner testimony on his proclivity for autoerotic asphyxiation was heard during the trial. 'Evil Lives Here: In the...
When a family member couldn't get through to Louise Dickey on the phone, she went to her residence, only to discover her slain in the bathtub.'See No Evil: The Last Shop,' a documentary on Investigation Discovery, focuses on a...
In September 2016, Rhonda Oakley's stepson returned home from school to find a horrible crime scene in the basement.Rhonda's body was discovered in a pool of blood. All evidence led to Jenna Oakley, the stepdaughter, and her boyfriend as...