Animal Kingdom, developed by Jonathan Lisko, is based on the Australian film by David Michaud. TNT debuted Animal Kingdom on 14 June 2016. It has had a successful four seasons so far and continues the fifth season, which follows a 17-year-old boy (Finn Cole) who, after the death of his mother, moves in with the Codys brothers, a criminal Codys family, The matriarch is ruled by Janine “Smurf” (Ellen Barkin). The fifth season premiered on July 11, 2021. As of August 8, 2021, 54 episodes of Animal Kingdom have aired. Animal Kingdom Episode 506 (Home Sweet Home) will air on August 15. TNT recently dropped the synopsis of the new episode titled “Splinter” which will release on 22nd August. Read the synopsis below.
Synopsis: Pope confronts his demons with the help of a desert guru. Deran marks his territory as J handles business. Craig struggles with the demands of fatherhood and the temptations of his old life.
In Season 5, Pope (Shawn Hatosy), Craig (Ben Robson), Deran, and J are still dealing with the fallout from the events surrounding Smurf’s death, including family members out for revenge. With their kingdom without a leader, the Cody family struggles to maintain their fragile alliance, and see which of them will come out on top. Meanwhile, they search for information on Pamela Johnson whom Smurf made the beneficiary of her estate.