The Lazarus Project Season 1 Episode 1 Recap - Joe Barton's science fiction series 'The Lazarus Project' airs on TNT and follows George, an individual trapped in an unusual time loop after six months have passed, inexplicably returning to July...
Animal Kingdom Season 6 Episode 13 {Series Finale} Recap - TNT reality series Animal Kingdom finale is getting very close to its conclusion as it prepares to wrap up. Season 6 episode 13 this week will act as the...
If there's one thing the creators of 'Snowpiercer' are brilliant at, it's building suspense. The most recent episode and Season 3 finale, Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 10 - The Original Sinners (Season Finale), is confirmation of that. Episode 10 of...
The 9th episode of Season 3 of TNT's post-apocalyptic series 'Snowpiercer' begins with Ben directing Layton and Josie to Melanie's rail car for rescue. They are able to lift the car off the track and into the Snowpiercer. Layton...
In season 3 of TNT's post-apocalyptic series "Snowpiercer," Layton meets Asha in an underground nuclear reactor in North Korea, and he grows hopeful about life outside the Snowpiercer. Layton creates a lie with Asha's help, claiming that if humanity's remnants...
Based on Wilford's finding in the seventh episode of Season 3 of TNT's post-apocalyptic series "Snowpiercer," Ben and Alex inform Layton that Melanie may still be alive. They decide to reroute the Snowpiercer in order to find Melanie, only to...
The aftermath of Layton's fainting following Pike's death is depicted in the seventh episode of TNT's post-apocalyptic series 'Snowpiercer' season 3. His dream leads him to an unexpected conclusion that can change the fate of the Snowpiercer. Josie discovers Layton...
The 6th episode of TNT's post-apocalyptic series 'Snowpiercer' season 3 revolves around Layton's efforts to figure out who is responsible for the Snowpiercer's fire and explosion. Pike is forced to flee after Bess' research leads her to the Tail. Miss...
After a shocking fourth episode depicting Wilford's fight for survival, Alex takes care of her father figure in the fifth episode of TNT's post-apocalyptic series 'Snowpiercer' season 3. As Zarah prepares to give birth to her and Layton's kid, the...
Chadwick (Elliot Knight) has been such a pleasant surprise in TNT's Animal Kingdom Season 5. Should the Cody lads have faith in Chadwick? To keep their empire running, the family wanted to hire a cop. He didn't expect the cop...

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