The limited series ‘Landscapers,’ created by Ed Sinclair, centres on Susan and Christopher Edwards, who are at the centre of the William and Patricia Wycherley murder investigation from 1998.
We receive glimpses of the couple’s traumatic background through surrealistic flashbacks and the police inquiry into the mild-mannered Edwardses.
The darkly comic true-crime show, directed by Will Sharpe, tackles the notions of judicial justice, passionate love, childhood trauma, and delusional fantasies.
Susan and Christopher return to England from France in the first three episodes to face the authorities.
Susan’s acts, according to the couple, are more akin to manslaughter than murder. Susan and Christopher let chunks of damaging information slip as DC Emma, and DC Paul put the heat on the Edwardses.
Susan attempts and fails to follow her lawyer, Douglas Hylton’s instructions, while Christopher prefers to face the cops alone.
In addition, information about Christopher’s gun competence and Susan’s obsession with old Hollywood are revealed.
Susan and Christopher, who are separated from one other, worry about the legal trial that awaits them while the police celebrate the breakdown of the Edwardses’ tale and the successful solving of the Wycherleys’ murder case.
It’s time for fans to prepare for the series’ last episode, which is sure to be thrilling. Here’s all you need to know about the fourth episode of ‘Landscapers.’
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When Will The Fourth Episode of Landscapers be Released?
The final episode of ‘Landscapers’ will air on HBO on December 27, 2021, at 9 p.m. ET.
The show is divided into four episodes, each lasting about 55 minutes. Make sure to watch episode 4 because it is the final episode of the limited series.
Spoilers for the Fourth Episode of Landscapers
The fourth episode of ‘Landscapers’ will most likely focus on Susan and Christopher’s legal battle. As a result, the couple will most likely appear in court.
We believe Christopher will be able to withstand the judge’s interrogation far better than Susan.
However, Christopher may be compelled to let go of his tough exterior once he realises he can’t defend his wife any longer.
It’s also conceivable that despite being inseparable, Christopher and Susan will ultimately learn about the secrets they’ve been keeping from each other for years.
Gérard Depardieu’s letters, in particular, could be discussed. We’ll also get to observe how the court’s finding regarding the Edwardses’ murder motives clashes with the couple’s persistent denial of guilt.
Susan and Christopher’s past will very certainly be utilised to emphasise the gravity of their legal position and the reality that if they are incarcerated, they may never see each other again.
Where Can I Watch Landscapers Season 4 (Finale) Online?
At the above-mentioned day and hour, ‘Landscapers’ episode 4 will be accessible on HBO.
If you don’t have cable, you may easily watch the episode on HBO Max, which requires a subscription.