‘Shenmue the Animation’ Season 2 Release Date – Shenmue the Animation, or simply Shenmue, is a Japanese anime television series based on Yu Suzuki’s Shenmue video game franchise, which was released by Sega in Japan. The series aired from February to May 2022, and was a collaboration between Crunchyroll and Adult Swim.
In April 2022, a Japanese streaming version was released. Shortly after the series’ online launch in Japan, it was determined that a televised broadcast would begin a month later, in May 2022, on Tokyo MX. The storyline of the first two games, Shenmue and Shenmue II, is adapted for the anime series.
‘Shenmue the Animation,’ based on Sega’s eponymous game series, is an action-adventure anime that tells a story of forgiveness and self-discovery. It follows Hazuki Ryou, a normal young adult who sees his father’s death at the hands of Lan Di, who is on the hunt for two strange mirrors said to have mystical powers.
As Hazuki walks the path of redemption, his mission takes him from Japan to Hong Kong, where he learns more about himself while exploring the world of martial arts. His action-packed escapades have been praised by critics for their gripping combat scenes and novel premise that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats.
Although the programme has underwhelming popularity, it is undoubtedly expanding in the recent past, and one can predict that it will get more popular in the next months. Viewers must be eager to learn when the show will return with new episodes after the cliffhanger ending of the first chapter. If you’re interested in learning more, we’ve got you covered.
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Release Date for Season 2 of Shenmue the Animation
Season 1 of ‘Shenmue the Animation‘ premiered on February 6, 2022 (May 3, 2022, in Japan) and ran for a few months before ending on May 1, 2022. The first season consists of thirteen episodes, each lasting approximately 22-25 minutes.
Unfortunately, no official remarks on the show’s renewal have been made by Telecom Animation Film, Adult Swim, or any other entity engaged in its production as of yet. The creators, on the other hand, have placed a statement at the end of the season 1 finale episode that reads, “The Story Continues..” It’s unmistakably a reference to the show’s next instalment, and fans should await official confirmation in the coming months.
The fact that the episode ended on a cliffhanger, with Hazuki learning about the narrative behind the two enigmatic mirrors and the prophecy that prophesied his arrival in the Bailu hamlet where they were constructed, adds to the renewal.
Furthermore, the anime has adapted the first two titles in the Shenmue video game series, the fourth instalment of which is reported to be in the works and due out in the coming months.
In its second instalment, the action-adventure anime will most likely adapt the next two portions. Season 2 of ‘Shenmue the Animation’ will premiere in late 2023, if the current section of the game is released in the next months.
What Could the Plot of ‘Shenmue the Animation’ Season 2 Be About?
Lan Di and his man learn in the season 1 finale that the secrets of the two mirrors, as well as much more, may be found in Bailu village. While Lan Di rushes to the area, he dispatches some of his soldiers to battle Ryou.
After the protagonist has saved everyone with Ren’s help, they learn that Lan Di believes Ryou’s father was involved in the killing of his own father in some way. Ryou, on the other hand, must travel to Bailu village, where his father used to train with Lan Di’s father.
Following his meeting with his pals in Hong Kong, Ryou heads straight towards the village. However, he saves the life of a drowning girl while on his way, but he passes out from exertion. When he wakes up later, he is greeted by the same girl, Shenhua, who introduces herself and informs him that he is in Bailu. Shenhua is able to connect the dots once she learns about Ryou’s motivation for visiting the village and indicates that his father may be able to assist him.
They receive a letter from him as they reach his secret dungeon, where Shenhua is not allowed, in which he bequeaths the Sword of Seven Stars to her and suggests that she must take on whatever responsibility comes her way now that his work is done. The episode concludes with a prophecy that a guy who is unaware of his extraordinary abilities will one day come in the village.
Shenmue the Animation, a Crunchyroll and @AdultSwim Original, begins February 5th!! 🐉 pic.twitter.com/rN2lMJyNay
— Shenmue the Animation (@ShenmueAnime) January 21, 2022
Ryou will investigate into his father’s past in the Bailu hamlet in season 2 and uncover some family mysteries he could never have imagined in his wildest dreams. He’ll also find out whether his father was to blame for Lan Di’s father’s death.
Meanwhile, Lan Di’s quest for dominance will bring him to some unsettling realities, but this will have no effect on his resolve. Before facing his arch-enemy again for a fight to the death, Ryou is supposed to acquire additional martial arts methods.