‘The Quintessential Quintuplets‘ or ‘Go-Tbun no Hanayome‘ is a shounen slice-of-life romantic anime based on a manga series written and illustrated by Negi Haruba.
It centers around academically gifted Futaro Uesugi’s ever-changing relationship with each of the identical quintuplet Nakano sisters: Ichika, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, and Itsuki.
He is hired to instruct them at the start of the programme, but immediately discovers that his new students are uninterested in learning and often receive terrible grades.
Futaro, on the other hand, transforms everything via his perseverance and hard effort. And the girls, in turn, transform him.
All five sisters fall in love with him during the course of the series. In flash-forward scenes, it is shown that Futaro will marry one of them.
Following that reveal, the anime transitions into a quasi-mystery that examines who the bride-to-be might be.
The anime’s first season began on January 11, 2019, and ended on March 29, 2019. Season 2 (dubbed ‘The Quintessential Quintuplets’ in the stylised version) just finished broadcasting.
Here’s all we know about the release date of Season 3 of ‘The Quintessential Quintuplets.’
🌸続編制作決定! 🌸
___________#五等分の花嫁 pic.twitter.com/egAmR9CkUk— TVアニメ『五等分の花嫁』公式 (@5Hanayome_anime) March 25, 2021
Release Date for Season 3 of The Quintessential Quintuplets
Season 2 of ‘The Quintessential Quintuplets’ debuted on January 8, 2021, and ran for 12 episodes till March 26, 2021.
After taking over from Tezuka Productions, Bibury Animation Studios produced the second season of the anime.
The first season was directed by Satoshi Kuwahara, with Keiichirchi acting as the main writer. While chi was renewed for a second season, it was given a new director, Kaori.
The producers announced that a sequel had been approved on the same day as the season 2 finale aired.
Although the format or media has yet to be revealed, given the popularity of the anime, it is most likely to be in TV anime format.
Season 2 was planned to premiere in October 2020, however, it was postponed until January 2021 owing to the COVID crisis.
As the pandemic’s third wave causes an increase in cases in Japan, anime production is struggling much like any other business.
Despite this, the epidemic is unlikely to cause a significant delay in the publication of season 3. After all, the studios have adjusted to life after the pandemic.
Furthermore, Bibury is a very new animation studio, having been founded in 2017, and season 2 of ‘The Quintessential Quintuplets‘ is their most notable creation to date.
Season 3 of ‘The Quintessential Quintuplets’ is expected to premiere in 2022, based on everything.
The Quintessential Quintuplets Plot / Synopsis
The Sister War reaches a climax in the season 2 finale, with lots of heartbreaks and surprises.
Ichika claims to be the girl Futaro met when they were both young in Kyoto, but Futaro acknowledges that he no longer trusts her.
Since it was revealed that Ichika, dressed as Miku, informed Futaro that she (Ichika) liked him, Miku has been inconsolable.
Miku gets to spend time with Futaro in the Uzumasa Studio Park, thanks to the four other sisters.
Yotsuba is shown to be the genuine Kyoto mystery girl. However, because the sisters appeared to be identical at the time, Futaro met Ichika and assumed she was the same girl. The sisters are reunited.
Ichika and Futaro express regret for their actions to one other. She then kisses him on the cheek, signalling that she would not back down.
Maeda was also discovered to have been following the girls and capturing photos on Futaro’s behalf.
The sisters informed Futaro that they didn’t have any recent photos of themselves together, which he intended to correct.
The girl who kissed Futaro during their vacation to Toraiwa Hot Springs is heavily indicated to be the one he will marry.
It was Itsuki in the last scenes of season 2, but since the rest of the girls were claiming to be Itsuki at the time for their grandfather’s sake, it could be any of them.
Season 3 may adapt stuff from the source material’s volume 11 forward. While maintaining a deep bond between themselves, the sisters’ rivalry for Futaro’s attention may increase.
Futaro may learn more about the mystery girl from Kyoto. The sisters may return to their previous residence. They might go to the school celebration with Futaro.