Inventing Anna,‘ a Netflix drama, follows Anna Sorokin, aka Ana Delvey, a young socialite who rises to the upper levels of New York society. But Anna Delvey isn’t the well-heeled German heiress she claims to be.
The titular character’s extravagant ideas and affluent lifestyle create a social maelstrom, entrapping a slew of wealthy individuals and institutions who are drawn in by her allure. Anna’s stratospheric rise is followed by an equally dramatic fall, and the story of a determined journalist striving to unearth the mystery socialite’s secrets offers an intriguing parallel plot. We thought we’d assist in disentangling some of the finer elements of the ‘Inventing Anna’ finale, which is a whirlwind of action.
Recap of Netflix’s Inventing Anna
Anna Sorokin, 26, is convicted of various larceny counts at the start of the story. Vivian Kent, a journalist for Manhattan Magazine, learns about Anna’s deception of several New York financial organizations and becomes intrigued by her narrative. Anna, who is being imprisoned at Rikers Correctional Center, is finally meeting with her, but the interview raises more questions than it answers. Vivian uses images uploaded on social media to seek down Anna’s closest connections, determined to learn more.
Must Read: Who is Anna Sorokin? How much did Netflix pay Anna Delvey for her story’s rights?
The bizarre story gradually shows how Anna came close to receiving a $40 million loan from Fortress, one of the city’s finest banks. We observe Anna Delvey’s hectic life in New York high society through detailed flashbacks as Vivan interviews people and pieces together her subject’s recent history. Her associates attribute her family’s fortune to a variety of sources, ranging from her father’s status as a Russian tycoon to her family’s collection of rare antiquities. Anna begins to conceive the idea for a secret members-only art club in the heart of New York, surrounded by artist and celebrity acquaintances and hosted by a wealthy designer. She quickly enlists the help of well-known restaurateurs, architects, and financial consultants to make her enterprise appear respectable.
When Anna refuses to reveal her dark past, those closest to her become suspicious, and she loses touch with many of her former fashionista and celebrity acquaintances. Our heroine now turns her attention to the city’s bankers, stating that her art club proposal will require a large $40 million investment. She enlists the help of Alan Reed, a well-known figure in the financial world, to bolster her credibility. Anna, on the other hand, is plagued with unpaid debts, and her pals Neff, Rachel, and Kacy all end themselves paying different amounts at different times when the apparent German heiress’ wire transfers suddenly fail.
How Long Is Anna’s Jail Sentence? Inventing Anna’s Ending: How Long Is Anna’s Jail Sentence?
Slowly, Anna’s sophisticated web begins to unravel as an increasing number of debtors (including Alan Reed) suspect her of being a con artist. The banks have put off processing her loan because they want to look into her more. She has finally apprehended after a hotel lodged a police complaint against her. Anna, who is awaiting trial, is adamant about hiring a stylist for the hearings. Todd Spodek, her lawyer, battles tirelessly for her but is always frustrated by her unreasonable requests. The trial comes to a close, and Anna is found guilty and sentenced to prison, despite the fact that several of the primary counts against her were withdrawn.
For her coverage of Anna’s story, Vivian Kent receives much-deserved accolades and notoriety. Her supervisors at Manhattan Magazine, who was first doubtful of the story, praise her and enthusiastically discuss a follow-up feature, stating she can have an office if she wants one. Vivian, on the other hand, is changed by her chats with Anna and the astonishing story she discovers. The series ends with her bemoaning the fact that the enterprising young woman may now face a lengthy prison sentence.
As a result, Anna is sentenced to prison. Despite the fact that several of her major accusations have been withdrawn. she is still charged with theft and faces a sentence of up to twelve years in prison if convicted. The final episode reveals an intriguing aspect of the main character. While Anna’s lawyer, Todd, tries to persuade the jury that Anna was not even close to getting the load, the young socialite wants everyone to know that she came near. It almost seems as if Anna doesn’t mind going to prison as long as she isn’t labeled a “stupid socialite.”
As a result, Todd is able to free Anna from her most serious charge. However, the judge and jury see that the young woman is an expert manipulator, and she receives a lengthy prison sentence as a result. It’s uncertain if Anna will serve the entire twelve-year term or will have her sentence shortened (here is what actually happened). We do know, though, that Anna will go to prison, and Vivian laments the fact that if she is sentenced to twelve years in prison, she would be forty by the time she is freed.
What is going to happen to Vivian Kent?
For most of the story, Vivian Kent tries valiantly to avoid a scandal that appears to have tarnished her reputation. Vivian was fired by Bloomberg when one of her interviewees said she fed him questions merely to get a sensational story, as revealed through fragmentary conversations. Vivian, who has been assigned to a routine article, sees Anna’s story as an opportunity to repair her journalistic reputation, and she even pursues the trail all the way to Germany.
Vivian’s story about Anna receives four million unique impressions, the most ever for her magazine. In a beautiful and ironic conclusion, the show ends with her regained reputation and feeling worse than ever. Despite her supervisors’ recommendations for a sequel, Vivian is saddened by Anna’s fate. The journalist is disappointed by the wasted talent after seeing how talented the young woman is. Vivian, like Todd, believes Anna could have avoided prison and is devastated to learn that she may spend the next twelve years behind bars.
The Anna Delvey Foundation: What Happens Next?
Anna proposes to title her exclusive art club the Anna Delvey Foundation (or ADF). She gets a lot of well-known people to support her cause and is praised for it. Anna changes tactics and seeks a loan when her suggested investors prepare to visit Germany to inspect the assets she claims to own. Of course, she also claims that her (nonexistent) 60 million euro trust fund will assist in the project’s security.
Anna is arrested in the end, with bills mounting up and her friends abandoning her. Naturally, as soon as it is revealed that she is a phony, her programs and foundation lose all credibility. Anna created ADF out of thin air the first time around, and if given the chance, she could do it again with another business. However, Anna’s ambitions for ADF in New York as she envisioned them have been shattered by her public humiliation.