In ‘The Colony‘ (also known as ‘Tides‘), writer-director Tim Fehlbaum crafts a low-budget but high-concept sci-fi thriller.
A space team crashes lands on a future Earth ravaged by war, pandemics, and climate catastrophe.
The astronauts are from Kepler 209, a planet in the solar system where a few wealthy people have migrated after Earth turned into a mud-ball, according to the title cards.
However, the astronauts are not the first to arrive on the planet; another ship arrived first. Louise Blake, a crash survivor, must now explore the globe in search of information about her life.
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The bizarre environment, along with the innovative plot, sets us up for a therapeutic voyage.
First, however, you can wonder if Kepler 209 is a real solar system and if it’s livable. We are your go-to nerds if the question has indeed arisen in your thoughts. There may, however, be some spoilers.
What is the location of Kepler 209? Is the Planet A Real Place?
After the fall of society on Earth, the “governing elites” fled to Kepler 209, where they have remained ever since.
However, there is one drawback: Kepler’s environment is devoid of air, and residents must wear a mask while venturing into the atmosphere.
People dwell in the safety of “biodomes,” according to one of Gibson’s Kepler students. Furthermore, radiation exists in Kepler’s environment, making breeding on the planet impossible.
The Ulysses Project was started by the Keplerians in order to find out if planet Earth plays a role in fertility.
They’re anxious to preserve humanity from extinction, but they’re in for a rude awakening as well. Humans do not go extinct in the harsh world of the future.
Early in the novel, Tucker informs Blake that they had been out of Kepler 209’s orbit for 564 years.
According to the logic that it takes three days for a spaceship to reach the moon, which is around 240,000 miles distant from us, the distance between Earth and Kepler 209 is roughly 45,120,000 miles.
When the storey takes place, mankind may have developed a faster way to travel through space.
You must be yearning to discover if such a planet exists and if the ruling elites can indeed forsake the rest of us by taking their companies to the farthest reaches of the universe.
It turns out that a planet with that name exists. To make the storey scientifically correct, the director enlisted the expertise of the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, a German space research group.
Around 1913, the solar system Kepler 209 was discovered. The sun is 5 light-years away.
The planet is most likely named after the same-named NASA project, which honours Johannes Kepler, a 17th-century astronomer and mathematician well known for his laws of planetary motion.
Kepler 209-b or Kepler 209-c, both Neptune-like ice giant exoplanets, are the planets they call home.
Because of its close proximity to its star, Kepler 209-b may have superior living circumstances.
The planet has a mass of around 5.73 Earths and takes 16.1 days to complete an orbit around its star.
Like our sun, the star is a G-type main-sequence star (or a yellow dwarf). This coincidence increases the chances of life in the solar system.
The area may also be parched and stony, as Gibson warns his students in the film. But we don’t know for sure just yet.
We also don’t know if any traces of radiation remain on the planet, which offers some opportunity for speculation.