‘Invasion,’ a sci-fi action-drama series created by Simon Kinberg and David Weil, concentrates on how an alien invasion may influence the lives of everyday people rather than presenting a larger-than-life inter-species battle.
The aliens appear and announce their existence just as Aneesha’s husband is having an affair and about to leave her.
Trevante Ward, a US soldier, realises that getting to his estranged wife in the United States requires navigating a worldwide warzone.
After the advent of the extraterrestrial species, Caspar Morrow’s epilepsy changes completely. Mitsuki, a member of the Japanese space program’s ground crew, loses the love of her life.
If you’re curious about what to expect in the next episode of ‘Invasion,’ we’ve got you covered.
You never know what’s waiting around the corner. #Invasion continues, only on Apple TV+ pic.twitter.com/OabyeCfFj2
— Apple TV (@AppleTV) November 18, 2021
When will Invasion Season 1 Episode 8 be Released?
Episode 8 of ‘Invasion’ titled ‘Contact’ will air on Apple TV+ on November 26, 2021, at 12 a.m. ET.
On October 22, 2021, the first three episodes of season 1 were broadcast concurrently. The first season’s remaining seven episodes will air weekly on Fridays.
Spoilers for Episode 8 of Invasion
Ward may arrive in England in episode 8, titled ‘Contact,’ only to realise that no plane can take him to the United States.
The airport’s commanding officer might hand him a sidearm and wish him luck in his search for a ship to transport him across the Atlantic Ocean.
Following Aneesha’s reconnection with Barton in the previous episode, the two of them may get to know each other better, much to Luke’s chagrin, who is old enough to notice that something isn’t quite right between his parents.
Despite the fact that Mitsuki is jailed in episode 7, the Japanese and American authorities will understand that they will be unable to communicate with the aliens without her and will have no choice but to free her.
Meanwhile, when Casper returns home, he will be met with nothing but dread.
What would you do if deadly aliens entered your house? #Invasion
— Apple TV (@AppleTV) November 18, 2021
Recap of Episode 7 of Invasion
Aneesha performs an impromptu operation to save Ahmed’s life when his lung collapses in episode 7, titled ‘Hope.’
Aneesha encounters Barton again as the family arrives at a university that has been converted into a makeshift refuge.
Meanwhile, a survivor tells Casper and his friends about the alien Invasion and promises to transport them to London. Monty apologises for his actions once they get in the city.
Ward befriends an Afghan family and joins them on a trip to Kabul. By handing his assault gun to a leaving unit of soldiers, he persuades them to take the family and him.
Mitsuki uses a radio telescope to create a communication link with the aliens, but she is captured before the system can lock on to Hoshi’s distress call.
Where can I find Invasion Episode 8 on the internet?
Episode 8 of ‘Invasion’ is available exclusively on Apple TV+. With the 7-day free trial, they may watch ‘Invasion‘ or any other Apple TV+ series on the site.
After then, a monthly subscription costs $4.99.