“Poacher” is a riveting crime drama series created, written, and directed by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Richie Mehta. Produced by Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt, the show follows a team of forest officials as they uncover an ivory poaching ring in Kerala, India. The cast includes talented actors such as Nimisha Sajayan, Roshan Mathew, and Dibyendu Bhattacharya.
With its compelling storyline and stellar cast, “Poacher” aims to raise awareness about the urgent need for wildlife preservation. Scheduled to be aired on Amazon Prime Video, “Poacher” promises to captivate audiences with its compelling narrative and stellar performances. Let’s dive deeper into the true story behind “Poacher” and discover the real events that inspired this riveting television series.
Is Poacher a True Story?
Yes, “Poacher” is indeed based on real-life events, drawing inspiration from the Malayattoor poaching case that unfolded in Kerala. This case shook the nation when, in 2019, the Forest Department charged 41 individuals in connection with the illegal poaching of elephants for their tusks.
The Malayattoor poaching case exposed the grim reality of elephant poaching for the illegal ivory trade. Over the course of two years, from 2013 to 2015, a gang of poachers orchestrated the ruthless killings of as many as 14 wild elephants in the forests under the Malayattoor and Vazhachal divisions of Kerala. This brazen act of cruelty highlighted the severity of the issue and underscored the urgent need for action.
Among the key figures implicated in the case was Sudheesh Chandra Babu, who was arrested along with his daughter Amritha by the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) Kolkata unit. During the arrest, authorities seized elephant tusks weighing 3.144 kilograms, valued at approximately INR 30.93 lakh. Subsequent raids on their residential premises led to the discovery of ivory idols and jewelry worth INR 72.35 lakh, further exposing the extent of the illegal trade.
The Malayattoor poaching case revealed the organized nature of elephant poaching operations, with poachers targeting specific ranges within the forest divisions to carry out their heinous acts. The tusks obtained from the slaughtered elephants were transported to Thiruvananthapuram, where they were sculpted into idols in a godown owned by one of the accused individuals.
This tragic series of events serves as the foundation for the compelling storyline of “Poacher,” which aims to shed light on the plight of wildlife and the critical need for conservation efforts. By portraying the harsh realities of elephant poaching, “Poacher” endeavors to raise awareness and inspire action to protect these majestic creatures and preserve our natural heritage for future generations.
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