When Calls the Heart Season 12 Episode 3 Recap: “All That Glitters”

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The newest episode of When Calls the Heart is called “All That Glitters,” and it starts off with a lot of mystery and intrigue. The calm rhythm of Hope Valley is broken up by strange events, secrets, and new developments that will change the lives of the people who live there. Things get more tense as the story goes on, secrets are revealed and characters have to make choices that could change everything. Let’s read this in-depth summary to find out what happened in this touching episode.

Kid Ventures Gets Some Radio Attention

Toby starts the “Kid’s Minute” radio show at the saloon. It’s a cute segment that shows kids trying to make money. It turns out that the kids have been working at the Hope Valley Hazelnut Company to earn money for comic books. This week’s topic is “kid ventures.” Most people in town are happy about the tasty hazelnuts, but Jed and Molly, who own Jed’s Grove Assorted Nuts, are upset that the competition is getting tougher.

Allie, on the other hand, has her own ideas for her 17th birthday. Her guardian Nathan hears her and knows that she wants this year’s party to be just for the kids. She suggests that Nathan and Elizabeth go on a real date instead.

Oliver’s Struggles and Elizabeth’s Offer

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When Nathan and Elizabeth run into Oliver at Nathan’s office, their relationship becomes the main focus. Oliver turned in a report that is full of spelling and grammar mistakes. Elizabeth offers to help and invites Oliver to the school for some formal instruction because she knows he needs to get better. Nathan agrees—which makes it possible to learn more about Oliver’s past.

Elizabeth finds out that Oliver’s story about going to Hamilton’s Briarcliff School doesn’t make sense because the school has been closed for years. When asked about this, Oliver says that he never got the chance to go to school because of how hard his childhood was. Elizabeth tries to reassure him by offering her help and a way forward.

Double-Headed Eagle Coin

A rare 1906 double-headed eagle coin is found by Ned at the store. Rosemary hears about the discovery and thinks right away that it could be a good human-interest story for the newspaper. She sets out to find the coin’s original owner, which makes the episode more mysterious.

At the same time, Lucas is having his own problems in Capital City. Ted warns him about Edie Martel’s political games. as she has tried to make Lucas’s park plan smaller. Edwin also tells Lucas that the trial for the famous Jeanette Aucoin has been moved up and that reporters are lining up to get a statement. Lucas makes the choice to go back to Hope Valley, but not before having a tense conversation with Edie on the train. They say some harsh things to each other, and Lucas makes it clear that he’s not going to give in to her attempts to make peace. To his surprise, Edie tells him that she is also going to Hope Valley to open a law firm.

Secrets and a shock

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Back in Hope Valley, Rosemary notices that Lee is being secretive. Bill is talking about a new will that Lee wrote, but he hasn’t told her about it yet. Rosemary’s doubts grow when Dr. Carter talks about Lee’s upcoming medical exam but won’t give her any more information.

Rosemary asks Elizabeth for help because she wants to find the truth. They follow Lee as he sneaks off with Hickam while packing his bags. They follow the trail into the woods and find Lee and Hickam working on a surprise project: a trail for Goldie. Lucas’s plan for the park may have failed, but Lee’s work will make sure that Goldie’s memory lives on. Lee tells Rosemary that he did what he did because he wanted to leave something meaningful behind, which was connected to his memories of his late father.

Choices made at the Mountie Office

Nathan has to make a tough choice about Oliver because his lie about his education could hurt his chances of becoming a Mountie. Elizabeth tells Nathan to think about Oliver’s situation and what he could do. Nathan decides to give his boss a more nuanced report after a heartfelt talk with Oliver. He talks about Oliver’s hard work and dedication while also saying that things could be better. The choice gives Oliver more time to show what he can do, which gives both Nathan and Oliver hope for the future.

Allie’s birthday

At the end of the episode, the town gets together to celebrate Allie’s 17th birthday, which makes things lighter. Allie decides to have a dance party after hearing a jazz song at the saloon. Earl Wyatt, a new worker at the saloon, impresses the teens with his Charleston moves, which make the party more fun.

At the same time, Lucas gets used to working at the café while Henry’s hazelnuts take over his office. As she looks for an office space, Edie Martel’s presence looms over her; indicating that there may be problems ahead.

Lee is afraid about leaving a legacy, but Dr. Carter reassures him that his health is fine in a moving moment. This reassurance makes Lee even more determined to make a difference in Hope Valley. Bill found an unsolved train robbery case that was linked to a gold coin. This suggests that there will be an exciting mystery in later episodes.

Nathan and Elizabeth’s Love Story Growing

Nathan tells Elizabeth good news: their cadet, Oliver, passed his inspection, showing his worth even though he had some problems earlier. The episode ends on a romantic note. To show how thoughtful he is, Nathan plans a surprise date for the two of them to celebrate. They go into the beautiful fields of Hope Valley together on Nathan’s horse, Newton. The couple ‘kisses’ which is a sweet and heartfelt moment that shows how close they are becoming. The mysteries and fights in town are balanced by their growing relationship, which is stable and warm.

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