‘A Little Water’ Ending, Explained – “A Little Water” is a newly released drama written and directed by Molly Montgomery and Charles Warburton, featuring an incredible cast including Charles Warburton himself and Greg Cohan and Frances Eve in lead roles. The plot centers around two sets of spouses coming together after experiencing a catastrophic event that has dramatically altered their lives; various themes are explored, such as interpersonal conflicts, hidden motivations, and grieving loved ones in this powerful narrative film.
“A Little Water” falls short of meeting expectations despite stellar acting and an appealing subject matter, possibly because its makers decided to turn this material into a feature-length film as buyers are limited to shorts. Unfortunately, the end product fails to justify the extended running time, even though its 80 minutes runtime may feel longer to viewers than anticipated.
Notably, despite being produced independently, this film can still reach a wider audience via platforms such as Prime Video and Tubi.
A Little Water (2019) Movie Recap
The film introduces us to Charles and Molly, who appear to have an unusual relationship despite their youth and apparent love. However, their interactions reveal an underlying sense of unease; at first, they give off an image of being ideal partners, but their expressions reveal their bond is more about being trapped together than experiencing genuine happiness. They arrive at a lakeside cabin where it becomes evident that something catastrophic has happened at Molly’s lakehouse without providing details.
Molly is being lauded for her professional success, having taken on a hotel-related project that could bring significant financial returns. Charles’ employment situation seems less favorable; while they appear to be celebrating Molly’s achievement together, Charles doesn’t appear particularly thrilled; as they head out together to purchase ingredients for Molly’s paella recipe at the grocery store, Charles discovers he left his wallet at home, leaving Molly solely responsible for covering its cost; this unfortunate event only compounds Charles’ discontentment further.
Charles is further unsettled when Molly develops a longstanding connection to Pascal’s family, prompting feelings of envy from Charles. Meanwhile, two other couples, Greg and Frances, arrive. Greg is Molly’s older sibling, described as an athletic, gentle giant, while Frances exudes hippie-esque qualities. Both couples gather to commemorate their parents’ passing on the anniversary of their visit together.
Greg and Molly share an affectionate relationship, yet there is evidently some sadness due to the tragic deaths of their parents. Losing both parents at once is unimaginably painful and profoundly tragic for their children; among the four main characters, Frances seems to be suffering the least; she seems at peace within herself and has found answers for some of her personal challenges.
A Little Water (2019) Ending Explained
As the film moves toward its midpoint, pivotal conversations among its characters offer glimpses into its plot. Greg and Frances assume Charles and Molly are engaged, which adds further intrigue. Given the length of time Charles and Molly have been dating, Frances probes Molly about why she doesn’t yet own a wedding ring; Greg repeats Frances’ inquiry in the cellar, wondering when Charles might finally propose. Finally giving in under pressure, Charles unveils an engagement ring.
As events unravel, they demonstrate an unprecedented fracture in their bond. Charles discloses to Molly and her mother that Charles proposed with the ring over two years before their accident; Greg later informs Molly of their plan to sell their home to break her unhealthy attachment to it, which holds memories of both her parents; yet Molly remains unaware of these developments.
At dinner, Pascal appears, drawing attention to their disparate roles; Molly idolizes Pascal, while Charles represents Molly’s idealized version of him. By nightfall, Greg and Molly begin a heated argument revealing that Greg has put their house up for sale and Charles acquired Molly’s engagement ring through her mother. Charles discloses a painful truth–he forgot the ring when he planned to propose, but unfortunately, both they and Pascal perished in a car accident while trying to retrieve it for her.
Charles is left carrying the guilt for accidentally killing Greg and Molly’s parents due to his forgetfulness, while their subsequent deaths leave Charles mournful. On waking, Molly makes the difficult choice of turning her back on Charles as there seems to be no other alternative path available to them. Surprisingly Frances wears Charles’s ring without apparent reason despite Charles pleading with her until it slips from her finger and plunges off a cliff before landing safely into the water below; attempts by Charles and Molly ultimately prove futile as they ultimately fail, reflecting the reality on both parties that are no longer suitable partners despite attempts by Charles to accept it and break off communication altogether – reflecting truth on both ends – while Molly struggles to let go while Charles refuses to acknowledge they no longer match.
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