Number 24 Ending, Explained: Does Gunnar Die?

Number 24 Ending, Explained

Number 24” is a gripping historical drama set in 1940s Norway during the German occupation. The movie, which was directed by John Andreas Andersen, is about Gunnar Sønsteby, who was an important part of Norway’s fight against the Nazis. The movie shows how Gunnar went from being a normal accountant to a skilled resistance fighter who was very important in stopping the Nazis. The movie makes you feel a lot of different things as Gunnar thinks about his past. It deals with themes like guilt, sacrifice and loyalty.

The Netflix movie “Number 24” was produced by Kristian Strand Sinkerud, Espen Horn, Terje Strømstad, and John M. Jacobsen. Sjur Vatne Brean plays Gunnar Sønsteby, and his performance is so strong that it pulls the audience into the dangerous world of war. Lisa Loven Kongsli as Gudrun Collett and August Wittgenstein as Siegfried Fehmer are two of the movie’s great supporting actors who bring the story to life in a way that is both interesting and makes you think.

We’ll talk about the Number 24 ending and what happened at the end of the movie, which will answer some important questions about Gunnar’s fate.

Number 24 Ending

Number 24 Ending, Explained

Number 24” tells the story of Gunnar Sønsteby’s amazing life. What he did during the German occupation of Norway became famous. As a member of the resistance, Gunnar does many acts of sabotage that make the Nazis want to catch him. The movie shows his journey and the deep moral problems he has as he gets more involved in the violent fight against the Nazis.

Gunnar is constantly fighting with his own conscience throughout the movie, trying to explain why he did what he did as being for the greater good. As the war gets worse, though, the cost of these actions starts to hit him hard. This conflict inside Gunnar is important to understanding the movie’s ending because it shows how he changed from a naive patriot to someone deeply affected by the decisions he made during the war.

The Death of His Childhood Friend Haunts Gunnar

The emotional and moral problems Gunnar is having reach a peak in the second half of the movie. The death of Gunnar’s childhood friend Erling Solheim is one of the most important events in the movie. Erling, who used to be close to Gunnar, betrays him by writing a letter to the Gestapo offering to tell them who Gunnar is. Because of this betrayal, Gunnar and his resistance group have to make a hard choice: they have to kill Erling to protect the resistance and keep fighting the Nazis.

This part of the movie is very important because it shows how horrible war is and how people have to give up things to stay alive. Gunnar defends his choice by saying it was necessary for the greater cause, even though it hurt him emotionally. He will feel bad about killing his friend, especially because it was so cruel, for the rest of his life.

Does Gunnar Tell Anne Solheim the Truth?

Toward the end of the movie, Gunnar is confronted by Anne Solheim, who is the granddaughter of Erling, a childhood friend. During a lecture, Anne asks Gunnar about Erling’s death, but at first, Gunnar says he doesn’t know anything about it. But when Anne confronts him again after the lecture, the weight of his guilt becomes too much for him to bear. While they are alone, Gunnar tells Anne the truth about what happened to her great-grandfather.

Gunnar can let out some feelings in this scene, which lets him say something that has been bothering him for years. We don’t know what they talked about, but it’s clear that Gunnar has been carrying this weight for too long, and this conversation is his way of finally dealing with it.

The Five Drawers: Compartmentalizing Guilt

One of the most symbolic parts of “Number 24” is when Gunnar talks about his heart having five drawers. During the movie, Gunnar talks about separating his thoughts and feelings while he was in the war. He tells them that his memories and feelings are stored in five drawers, with the fifth drawer being closed for good after the war. To understand how Gunnar was able to move on after the war, this idea of compartmentalization is very important.

Gunnar hides the memories of Erling’s death in the fourth drawer, which is still a painful reminder of what he gave up. The fifth drawer, on the other hand, shows that Gunnar is okay with his past and can live with the decisions he made.

What Does the Last Scene Signify?

The last scene of “Number 24” is important because it shows how Gunnar’s troubled life came to a peaceful end. After his talk with Anne helped him deal with his feelings, Gunnar goes back to his nursing home and dies peacefully. The years he spent in the resistance were dangerous and full of chaos, but this last scene is very different. It shows how Gunnar is finally able to find peace after years of fighting with himself.

Gunnar’s death in the nursing home was peaceful and private. It was like the calm after a storm. It means that his inner turmoil has ended and that he is okay with what he did during the war. The peace of the moment brings to light the moral and emotional struggles Gunnar had throughout his life and makes for a fitting end to his journey.

What Happened to Gunnar

What Happened to Gunnar? Is Gunnar Dead?

At the end of “Number 24,” it’s clear that Gunnar has died. In the last scenes, he is seen in a nursing home, having lived a long time and thinking about his time in the resistance. His death is peaceful, which means the end of his long and hard journey. Gunnar is shown taking his last breath in a quiet, thought-provoking shot at the end of the movie.

Gunnar’s death is important because it means he no longer has to deal with guilt, loss, and the effects of what he did. During the movie, Gunnar has had to deal with the consequences of the decisions he made during the war. But in the end, he is able to make peace with his past and move on with his life. Not only does his death end his life, but it also ends an important part of Norwegian history: resistance fighters like Gunnar were very important in beating the Nazis.

Number 24 Movie’s Main Cast List

  • Sjur Vatne Brean as Gunnar Sønsteby (young age): Portrays the young version of Gunnar Sønsteby, showcasing his early involvement in the resistance.
  • Erik Hivju as Gunnar Sønsteby (old age): Depicts the older Gunnar, reflecting on his experiences and the impact of his actions during the war.
  • Lisa Loven Kongsli as Gudrun Collett: Plays a significant character in Gunnar’s life, contributing to the narrative’s emotional depth.
  • August Wittgenstein as Siegfried Fehmer: Assumes the role of a key figure in the storyline, adding complexity to the plot.
  • Ines Høysæter Asserson as Reidun Andersen: Portrays a character integral to the development of the narrative.

The film also features performances by Mark Noble as John Skinner Wilson, Lars Berge as Oscar Beck, and Erik Madsen as Erwin Karl Morio, among others.

Number 24” offers a compelling portrayal of courage and resilience, delving into the complexities of wartime narratives and biographical films. The final moments of “Number 24” offer a sense of quiet reflection and resolution, ensuring that Gunnar’s legacy as a hero and a man haunted by his past is preserved.

Also Read: True Story Behind ‘Number 24’ Movie – What Happened to Gunnar Sønsteby in Real Life?