'Landscapers,' directed by Will Sharpe and created by Ed Sinclair, is a disturbing true-crime series about the 1998 killings of Patricia and William Wycherley.The show steadily unravels the mystery of the Wycherleys' deaths and the heartbreaking storey of the...
The 1998 murders of William and Patricia Wycherley are at the centre of Ed Sinclair's true-crime show for HBO, 'Landscapers.'The lives of Susan and Christopher Edwards come into clear focus as we witness the Mansfield murder case unravel.Olivia Colman,...
'Landscapers,' directed by Ed Sinclair, examines the murders of Patricia and William Wycherley with dark humor, an art-house approach, and a deep dive into Susan and Christopher Edwards' psyche.The series follows the Edwards' lives before and after the murders...
The limited series 'Landscapers,' created by Ed Sinclair, centres on Susan and Christopher Edwards, who are at the centre of the William and Patricia Wycherley murder investigation from 1998.We receive glimpses of the couple's traumatic background through surrealistic flashbacks...
The terrible 1998 murder of William and Patricia Wycherley, an elderly couple living in Mansfield, is the subject of Ed Sinclair's 'Landscapers.'With its stylish cutting, dark humour, and breaking of the fourth wall, the HBO true-crime limited series principally...
'Landscapers' is a true-crime miniseries that follows the events leading up to, during, and after the Mansfield murders of Patricia and William Wycherley.Susan and Christopher Edwards' life are being scrutinised by the authorities and the public as details about...
The true-crime miniseries 'Landscapers,' directed by Ed Sinclair, depicts the terrible 1998 murders of William and Patricia Wycherley.The uncomfortable viewpoints on justice, trauma, and love are explored in this darkly hilarious and aesthetically adventurous series.The timid Edwardses, their brief...

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