The Blacklist Season 10 Release Date - On September 23, 2013, NBC broadcast the first episode of the American crime thriller television series The Blacklist. The programme centres on Raymond "Red" Reddington (James Spader), a high-profile criminal and former U.S. Navy officer who...
Who is Tobias Core? -Â At the end of season 8, episode 12, The Blacklist paid tribute to "Toby." Let's learn more about the obituary that was presented on the NBC show.
Season 1 of The Blacklist premiered in 2013, and...
'The Blacklist,' created by Jon Bokenkamp, is a crime drama that premiered on September 23, 2013.
It centres around Raymond "Red" Reddington, a high-profile criminal who surrenders to the FBI with an intriguing idea.
He is willing to supply sensitive information...
Red and the force examine the case of a therapist who appears to have ties to a criminal unit in the most recent episode of 'The Blacklist' season 9.
They apprehend her and discover that she is a mob informant....
The former Task Force seeks to track down the Skinner, who has kidnapped Chen and his family, in the second episode of 'The Blacklist' season 9.
Red returns after a lengthy absence solely to honour Liz, who would have wanted...
The Blacklist is a crime drama television series that debuted on NBC on September 23, 2013. Raymond "Red" Reddington, a former US Navy commander, turned high-profile criminal who has eluded arrest for decades, willingly surrenders to the FBI.
He tells...