Where Are Anarchists Lisa and Nathan Freeman Now? – The six-episode HBO documentary “The Anarchists” follows a diverse group of idealists, runaways, and crypto-enthusiasts as they spearhead a unique anti-government movement. After all, despite their desire to live in peace and in total freedom, their drastic shift in perspective ultimately results in incredible difficulties and dangers. The happily married pair, Lisa and Nathan T. Freeman, happened to be one of them.
So if you want to know who Lisa and Nathan T. Freeman are and where they are now, keep reading below.
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Lisa and Nathan Freeman: Who Are They?
Since Lisa and Nathan weren’t truly enjoying their daily activities, they began flirting with the idea of leaving their suburban Atlanta home in the early to mid-2010s. The latter was a co-founder and director emeritus of OpenNTF as well as the co-founder and chief software architect of Red Pills Now, but it wasn’t enough. The former worked as a teacher. They were moving toward total anarchy because they wanted true freedom for themselves and their expanding family, but they soon found Jeff Berwick’s Anarchapulco utopia.
In fact, Lisa and Nathan went to the first Anarchapulco conference in Mexico in 2015 with their kids “with the specific intent to find out if [it] could be a place [they’d] wanna live.” They rapidly realized that they had found their new home and their true community, which prompted them to pack their bags and go, mainly since Nathan had discussed running the entire thing with Jeff.
In other words, the largest anarcho-capitalist event in the world hired the Georgia IBM Champion as Operations Manager, Official Cat Herder, and Director, only for it to grow into much more.
Lisa and Nathan Freeman: Where Are They Now?
For the first few years, Lisa and Nathan’s life in Mexico appeared to be perfect; they had just born their third child, Ira Belle (after Meta and Axiom), who was prospering thanks to cryptocurrency investments and felt completely free. However, as a distinct financial and personal gap among the anarchists emerged over time, things started to turn for the worst, and by the time 2019 rolled around, Nathan had resigned.
Unfortunately, what’s worse is that, according to a GoFundMe page created for the Freemans, he quickly became the victim of a scam and then became unwell (perhaps colon cancer).
Sadly, Nathan passed away from his disease in April 2021 at the age of 47. He is survived by his devoted wife, Lisa and their three gorgeous children, who continue to miss him terribly. Although they no longer reside in the house they formerly shared, it is clear that they have remained in Mexico, where Lisa has started working as a clinical nutritionist and personal trainer to support the family. Back in May 2021, she assured them, “We will be ok,” she said back in May 2021. “One day at a time… thank you everyone for all your support. 🖤💛🤍❤️”
Moving has always been a part of our family, Lisa wrote on her Instagram account in April 2022, expressing her true feelings. We like to refurbish, refresh, and repurpose. There is a lot of pressure on my shoulders because I am the family’s head. I am now more resilient on an emotional, physical, spiritual, and cerebral level. It has helped me get where I never believed I could be. There is actually no way to tap out. It’s challenging and “GO” time all the time.
She said, “It has been hard for me to stay strong while staying soft. It has been hard to stay persistent and empathetic. I have been thrown into a [whirlwind] where balance is king. And at times, I know I have fallen. Fallen very HARD!! Nathan was [the] Ying to “me” Yang… ——> This is no longer a new chapter. This is a new book. <——“
Stream all episodes of The Anarchists on HBO and HBO Max.