'911' (stylized as '9-1-1') is an American police procedural action-drama series created by Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk, and Tim Minear for the original network Fox. It is a sequence of dramatic calamities and captivating character sketches. The rich storey explores the...
Duncanville, the animated family comedy, has been renewed for a 3rd season by Fox, just ahead of its Season 2 launch. Amy Poehler's Paper Kite Productions, The Simpsons veteran Mike Scully, and his wife, former Simpsons writer-producer Julie Scully, are...
Simple pleasures, such as companionship, are the foundations of happiness. Laura Leighton, Josie Bissett, and Daphne Zuniga, three main cast members of the iconic 1990s drama Melrose Place, are reunited in Fantasy Island (2021) Season 1 Episode 6. On...
The popularity of 'Family Guy,' a rib-tickling and hilarious adult cartoon series, needs no introduction. The series, created by Seth MacFarlane, follows Peter and Lois Griffin, their children Meg, Chris, Stewie, and their dog Brian, as they encounter outlandish scenarios...
Serial rapist Jeffrey Hudson escaped due to ransomware in the previous episode 2 of 9-1-1. Bobby and the heart are saved when the plane crashes. In the hospital, Athena (Angela Bassett) pays a visit to Lou. Maddie (Jennifer Love Hewitt) was...
‘HouseBroken,' an adult animated series created by Gabrielle Allan, Jennifer Crittenden, and Clea DuVall, about Honey, an anthropomorphic therapy dog. She leads a therapy group that involves local pets and stray animals. The series premiered on Fox in May 2021. The characters...
Fantasy Island Episode 5: Elena meets Alma, a teenager who is estranged from her family, in the fourth episode. Alma's unrivalled enthusiasm for music, which also happens to be the source of her family's doom, is at the root...
Season 1 episode 4, "Once Upon a Time in Havana," continues Fox's revised Fantasy Island series. The 4th episode, which will run on August 31, 2021, at 9 p.m. ET/PT, will showcase a singer who is dealing with family troubles. The...
The 118 is back in their element in the season 5 premiere of '9-1-1,' as devastation wreaks across the city. Athena shows up in court for a hearing against her assailant Jeffrey, but a hacker infiltrates the city's center, disrupting...
Buck makes a stunning confession in this week's episode of '9-1-1' season 5 due to his guilt over disappointing Chimney. His teammates try to console him, but then he gets a call that completely changes everything. Claudette and May are still...

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