Where and What Year Does City on a Hill Take Place? – Showtime’s “City on a Hill,” a crime-drama series created by Chuck MacLean, centers on DeCourcy Ward (Aldis Hodge), an idealistic deputy district attorney, and John “Jackie” Rohr (Kevin Bacon), a dishonest F.B.I. agent.
Tom Fontana (Homicide: Life on the Street), who also acts as showrunner for City on the Hill, is the executive producer. Jennifer Todd, Jorge Zamacona, Bacon, Hodge, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, and Barry Levinson are additional executive producers.
The cast will welcome Corbin Bernsen, Joanne Kelly, and Ernie Hudson as guests this season. According to Showtime, below is a breakdown of the new episodes: Season three takes us to Beacon Hill, a posh neighborhood in Boston. Jackie Rohr (Bacon), who quit the FBI and threw his badge into Boston Harbor, obtains a fancy new job managing security for a wealthy family. Life is blissful, up until secrets start to come out. ADA Decourcy Ward (Hodge) sees an opportunity to finally dismantle the machinery supporting a dysfunctional criminal justice system when an investigation is launched.
While dealing with the tragic events of the previous year, Siobhan Quays (Banks), a construction worker who was seriously hurt on the Big Dig, encounters the corruption of the city firsthand. Given her relationship with her father, Jenny Rohr (Hennessy) can attest that some situations will haunt you to the point of breaking point. If you want to know where and when ‘City on a Hill‘ takes place, keep reading below.
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Where Is ‘City on a Hill’ TV Series Set?
“City on a Hill” tv show is set in Boston, Massachusetts. Executive producing the show are actors Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, both of Bostonian background. At least the show’s first season has significant similarities to Ben Affleck’s 2010 picture “The Town.” A group of robbers from the working-class Irish Charlestown neighborhood is the subject of this Boston-based story.
According to Affleck’s statement to The New York Times, the thorough research he conducted for “The Town” was the inspiration for “City on a Hill.” He used the sizeable remaining to create the show because the film didn’t live up to the scope and depth of his study.
Despite heavily borrowing from reality, “City on a Hill” is ultimately a work of fiction, and the same is true of its two primary protagonists. Ralph C. Martin, an African American district attorney who worked in Suffolk County from 1992 to 2002, and several other attorneys are purportedly the inspiration for Ward. Jackie is thought to be a loose mash-up of F.B.I. agents Dennis Condon, John Connolly, and H. Paul Rico.
When the first season debuted, Affleck promised that each season of the show would be centered on a different neighborhood. This notion has been upheld in “City on a Hill.” The show relocates to Roxbury in season 2 after spending the first season in Charlestown. It visits posh Beacon Hill in the third season.
When Is ‘City on a Hill’ TV Show Set?
The series stars in the 1992 year. However, the 1994 district attorney election would take place in more than six months, as revealed in a chat between Ward and his boss, Guy Dan, at the beginning of season 3. So it’s reasonable to believe that 1993 was still the current year at the start of the third season.
The literary prologue of the series mentions the current Charles Stuart case. In 1989, Stuart allegedly murdered his wife for insurance money and assigned the blame to an African-American guy. Stuart’s brother eventually came clean, leading to Stuart’s suicide at the end.
The show’s debut episode was filmed in Boston, while the subsequent episodes were shot in New York. The main cause of this is that Beantown has undergone many changes since 1992 and many structures no longer exist as a result of the significant changes in the city.
‘City on a Hill’ was created by MacLean and his colleagues as an uncompromising portrayal of Boston in the 1990s. In contrast to Ward, who is determined to overhaul the court system from the inside out, Jackie is meant to represent the city’s turbulent past. These two personalities frequently end up cooperating reluctantly despite their extreme differences. It’s interesting how all of these partnerships drastically alter the characters.
You can stream “City on a Hill” Season 3 episodes on Showtime.