AMC's 'Fear the Walking Dead,' a post-apocalyptic horror television series based on the comic book adaption and smash zombie series 'The Walking Dead,' is a post-apocalyptic horror television series that explores the beginning of the zombie apocalypse that threatens...
Sarah's search for his brother Wendall after being rescued by Isabelle is depicted in the 4th episode of Season 7 of 'Fear the Walking Dead.' Sarah is distraught since her brother hasn't contacted her since the nuclear disaster, and...
Fear the Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 4 Recap - "King County," is the season 8 episode 4 of AMC's zombie drama series Fear the Walking Dead, continues the story of Morgan Jones as he embarks on a mission to...
Fear the Walking Dead Season 8 Finale Recap - Welcome, survivors and zombie fans alike! Today, we're exploring the blood-soaked chaos and heart-stopping twists of Fear the Walking Dead Season 8. If you've been left guessing after each new episode...
Fear the Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 9 Recap - Alicia seeks shelter in the home of an unknown stranger. Alicia is forced to confront her past failures, and how she will face her future as her fevers worsen...
(FTWD) Fear the Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 10 Recap - Because of the sunk cost, many of you, like me, have persisted with The Walking Dead and its spinoffs. We've been watching these shows for so long that it...
Will Alicia and Victor Strand Die in Fear the Walking Dead? Let's discuss if both of them die or not. Alicia's efforts to seize Strand's Tower and turn the haven into the much-desired PADRE are the focus of the second...
What is Amina in 'Fear the Walking Dead' Season 7? What is in the Tape? - Alicia runs into the masked girl again in the 15th episode of AMC's post-apocalyptic thriller 'Fear the Walking Dead' season 7. The girl...
Fear The Walking Dead Season 8 Time Jump - Fear the Walking Dead is set to return for its eighth season on AMC in October, bringing with it the thrilling story of Morgan Jones as he arrives at PADRE to...

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